Benefits for hiring the team from MC consulting ventures on a project basis ;
Self-starter independent advice and guidance from sales team return to investment!
compared to employment. Flexible monthly terminable in combination with option for long term partnership for long term hiring period if possible on MC consulting ventures annual schedule.
Starting position is actually achieving the objectives for the clients of MC consulting ventures.
For a personal explanation, please feel free to contact my personal for a customized quote for your organization. email
Large international network in business services of joint ventures with commercial agents in the Benelux.
Commercial successes in a deversity of clients in the following sectors;
Leisure market Cosmetic medical equipment
Sales development cosmetic industry
Distribution worldwide cosmetics industry
Clothing and personalcare development and sales distribution
Lifestyle industry product development sales distribution
Interim consultancy
Direct sales large accounts media industry
Representation for producers and licence holders
Interior design and interior industry
Mobile and fiber industry
financial sector
Sale Agency
Sales Management
Energy industry
Recruiting and selection
Auction industry
Setting up of sales distribution.